
Monday, November 04, 2019

Melbourne auction market solid over long weekend

Post to Facebook on 4/11/2019 8:12 AM
Commenting on
Melbourne auction market solid over long weekend

This is what I meant by conflicting auction results reported or perceived by the experts. Reading through the attached article, I find the following paragraphs rather interesting:

“Chief economist at AMP Capital Shane Oliver said Melbourne’s market was still looking “pretty solid” for the first weekend in November.

“Results do seem to have slowed from September,” Dr Oliver said.”

Does he mean the slowing started in October? October clearance rates had been over 70-75% in preliminary results reported in Domain, better than previous quarter. I wonder what the final rates were in the July-September quarter.

I have criticised enough about the “expert’s opinion”, so I better give it a rest. After all, who am I to tell them how to suck eggs.

Thank you for reading.