
Saturday, November 09, 2019

Australian teachers work longer hours than those in most OECD countries

Post to Facebook on 9/11/2019 4:09 AM
Commenting on “Australian teachers work longer hours than those in most OECD countries”

Does a teacher working harder make students smarter? How about if I ask a slightly different question - does a teacher working smarter make students smarter, or even work harder?

I believe many readers in this group can recall the days when they attended schooling, say from primary to secondary. Most had preference liking certain subjects, but not the rest. You might even hate them to say the least.

A student dislike or hate a particular subject for many reasons:
  • boring and dry content
  • can’t understand the content
  • teacher lacks the knowledge or skill to teach
  • teacher can’t manage the class
  • teacher can’t explain or illustrate using non-verbal method
I am making every effort to develop new ways to get students interested in different subjects. What this also means is that I have to learn to get myself interested to subjects I may not be keen in before.

Thank you for reading.