
Friday, November 08, 2019

'About as bad as it can get': REA boss grapples with 'worst market' for property in decades

Post to Facebook on 8/11/2019 9:28 PM
Commenting on “'About as bad as it can get': REA boss grapples with 'worst market' for property in decades”

Posted to The Age (9/11/2019) on 9/11/2019
Commenting on”'About as bad as it can get': REA boss grapples with 'worst market' for property in decades”

What a load of bull crap! I have never heard any words of appreciation from anyone, including the REA boss Owen Wilson, when the real estate industry boomed. During those good times, not much marketing or selling skills were required by the so called real estate professionals, and many real estate agent representatives were no difference from the waiters in a Chinese restaurants, taking orders from buyers who were in a state of FOMO.

Lots of commission lined the pockets of these “order takers”, who drove flashy BMW, Audi, Mercedes, and top end of the Japanese cars. When the downturn descended, they became lost completely because they had no idea how to communicate with the potential vendors, who were reluctant to put their properties in the market.

In fact those who could hardly speak proper English found it difficult to get round listing properties from the English speaking owners, and therefore have not enough to sell to those non-English buyers who still have deep pockets.

When the real estate industry boomed causing price hike, it was the government’s fault. When the industry goes belly up, guess who is to be blamed? The government, who else!

Thank you for reading.