
Sunday, November 17, 2019

In the path of disaster: The big causes of bushfires that most of us are missing

Post to Facebook on 17/11/2019 10:36 AM
Commenting on “In the path of disaster: The big causes of bushfires that most of us are missing”

Posted to The Age (15/11/2019) on 17/11/2019
Commenting on “In the path of disaster: the big cause of bushfires that most of us are missing”

Is it innocence or arrogance, or is it stupidity or stubbornness that people keep thinking two wrongs will make one right?

This is not the only example that people ignoring the danger of nature, that is they continue to build houses near forested areas prone to fire. Many still choose to live close to flood prone water side.

Despite many shorelines being eroded and rising water level due to worsening of “Climate Change”, people are still paying mega millions to stay near water, and development of high rise buildings and high density suburbs are still being built without giving any thought of future disaster.

Like what an advertisement of a cosmetic company once said, “it does not happen overnight, but it will happen one day”.

Thank you for reading