
Thursday, February 07, 2019

Why now could be the time to buy property, with some tipping an imminent market recovery

Posted to Facebook on 7/2/2019 at 11:11 PM
Commenting on “Why now could be the time to buy property, with some tipping an imminent market recovery”

I mentioned several times that real estate would recover after June 2019. I believe some gurus start to think so.

The Royal Commission Enquiry into banking and financial services help to relax loan approval for home buyers. While many may believe otherwise, I hold on to my view.

New superannuation and upsizing/downsizing rules may see existing homes released in the market.

In the past few years, many homebuyers hurriedly purchased properties without proper inspection, and as a consequence, their properties start to show signs of maintenance, even major defects.

Why is this so? A number of entrepreneurial operators purchased properties and flipped them, generally doing some cosmetic touch-up, beautifying the garden with annials, and fresh pine barks, spraying or painting the driveway to hide cracks, etc. Instead of remodeling the bathroom, the tiled walls, floor, bathtub, and basins are resprayed with paint.

Rotted external timber frames and facia board, leaky swimming pool are nightmares which can cost the "new" owners significantly.

If you haven't been looking around in the various suburbs, it is time to do so without delay.

Thank you for reading.