
Monday, May 07, 2018

House prices forecasts slashed in all but three capital cities

Post to on 7/5/2018 7:23 AM
Commenting on “House prices forecasts slashed in all but three capital cities”

Only if the experts read my blogs, they would not have to change their mind about the state of real estate market.

I have great doubt about the ability of some these so called experts. I do not apologise for my seemingly bold and arrogant statement.

When population grows, say by 20%, does a city need to have 20% growth in housing construction? When a baby is born, or a family grow by another two or three members, they can all live in the same house. Can’t they? In fact, to argue this point in isolation, there is not a need to have any extra house for this growing family.

I am just a logician, and therefore I do not even need powerful mathematics to see cracks in some of the experts’ prediction.

Look around your neighbourhood and see how many houses are filled to the brim? The most ludicrous scenario is that many people seem ok to live in dog-house like apartments, and yet so many complain that their houses are too small and want to upgrade to more spacious semi-McMansion!

The present situation demonstrates that many people can do without buying properties, and in fact the crazy, frenzy buyers of the past few years were mainly speculators and investors, plus some ignorant people.

It is definitely not good in the coming months, especially cold dreary days are just around the corner. As a pessimistic optimist, I saw all this coming months ago, and I have said enough that you must save as much as possible and get ready to strike.

When the market cools, and becomes cold, it is time for the prepared to negotiate with the sellers. Many property owners buy before they sell, and that is a big no no. Some buy and take a rather long settlement, thinking that it is a wise move. They hope by then their properties will be sold. Unfortunately, in a down cycle, these people actually buy high, and eventually sell low, on the proviso only if there is interested buyer.

If you are not in any urgency to sell your property, just hang on to it. Have you considered using the money you intend to give to the agent as commission, money to the government as stamp duty and part of the money you profit as capital gains to update and renovate your existing house? After all, don’t you feel sad to say goodbye to a place you have been calling it home?

Thank you for reading.