
Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Five property market trends to expect in 2018

Post to SinFongChanRE.wix on 20/12/2017 at 12:32 PM
Commenting on “Five property market trends to expect in 2018”

I love to bring good news story to my readers. 2018 may be the year for you to get the first home.

Please do keep in mind not to over stretch your budget. Be contented and learn from your experience of owning your first home. Nothing is perfect, so do not start any blame game should the house is not 100% match.

If things can be fixed within your financial capacity or physical capability, they are not problems. Be a solution seeker and a problem solver rather than a whinger.

I do want to advise you though, that if the carpet is old and dirty, strip it off. If the floor board is real pieces of timber not chip board, and the condition is still good, polish it instead of re-carpeting it. If the the bare floor is neither timber nor in good condition, you may consider installing floating veneer floor board. It is not difficult to install, so you may want to take it on as the first project.

The front / back gardens are very important places. I shall discuss more on gardens some other time. If you do not have not developed green fingers yet, just mow whatever you have on top of the ground. Landscaping is expensive, and if you undertake such task, you are going to be very frustrated and tired. For the time being, just keep them tidy and safe from items that might injure the users. Landscaping is my hobby and I love it.

No matter how much you like swimming, I am going to say it bluntly that DO NOT buy a property with a pool. There are strict laws to ensure the pool is fenced properly. The running cost is not cheap in order to keep the pool clean all the time. If you have been in Melbourne for more than one year, you should know how many warm days there are to justify the keeping of the pool. Go to your nearest City Council pool instead.

Thank you for reading.