
Monday, August 03, 2020

Designing the interior layout of a house or apartment

Posted to Facebook on 3/8/2020 at 9:22 AM
Designing the interior layout of a house or apartment

Last week, I managed to find time to call a FB member who required advice on his proposed project.

I went through the floor plans, did some estimation and worked out suggested sale prices. However, the main points I advised him to keep in mind is product differentiation. This topic will be discussed in my SFC Marketing Blogs & Lessons group.

The current pandemic has revealed many short comings of house designs, and the short-sightedness of home owners. Many ignore the future needs of the family members, and changing lifestyle at different stages of life cycles

It is important when buying a house to live in, you must not be blinded by the new coat of paint, fresh bark in the garden bed, brand new kitchen, fashionable blinds and curtains, attractive hired furniture, or some cosmetic changes within.

Have you seen study tables, baby cot or any clutter in a display home? Many new buildings may be bigger in area in the least use places, but small in the private rooms. Can you keep as clean and tidy as a spanking new display home?

Where the windows are in a bedroom affects where you place your bed, and study table. The natural lighting can affect the mood of the occupier. I always like to let the sun shine in. However, be mindful if the bedroom windows are west facing. You can expect sleepless night because west summer sun heats up the room very quickly, and you may have to resort to sleeping with the air conditioner going most part of the evening and night.

The old measurement 1 square is 100 sq feet. Many older properties have bedrooms measured 10 ft by 10 ft, giving 100 sq ft, or 1 square. The new measurement is about 300 cm x 300 cm. Is that size good enough with modern day living?

When you go shopping for a house, do make up a list of needs and wants, a topic I have discussed in my SFC Marketing Blogs & Lessons. The list can help you choose that optimal house for you and the family.

Thank you for reading.

Sydney and Melbourne house prices tumble through July

Posted to Facebook on 3/8/2020 at 1:31 PM
Posted to The Age (3/8/2020) on 3/8/2020 (not published by the newspaper)
Commenting on “Sydney and Melbourne house prices tumble through July

Tumble? Not quite yet. Interested parties disclose or present the data in a manner that suit their purpose.

Many house owners are still hanging in there hoping the bad wind will blow past. Shortage of listings keeps prices relatively stable if not slightly higher.

The real tumble is round the corner, because the mortgage repayment deferral honeymoon period will terminate, along with the reduction in JobKeeper and JobSeek payments.

Another disastrous scenario is that some withdraw superannuation money prematurely and put down as a deposit for a new home. These are the vulnerable group, who may lose their jobs after the pandemic is over

Middle managerial positions are just as shaky as the lower level employees. If the latter lose their jobs, there is no need to have the extra personnel in the managerial and supervisory roles.

All these unfavourable conditions will mean house owners have to cave in and let go of their castles after September.

For the agents representatives and agents, this is time to call whoever in your contact list and keep them talking.

Thank you for reading.